Green Parenting – Tips To Raising Environmentally Friendly Kids
It is more important now than ever to raise an environmentally conscious next generation. Children are the future so let's be sure to raise them with a respect of nature! To raise...
Green Parenting – Tips To Raising Environmentally Friendly Kids
It is more important now than ever to raise an environmentally conscious next generation. Children are the future so let's be sure to raise them with a respect of nature! To raise...
A zero waste influencer is someone that has the power to influence the activities and purchasing decisions of others. A zero waste influencer has authority over the zero waste movement - perhaps...
I am one of those parents who tries to very politely request "no gifts" at my kids birthday parties. For some guests, there is a lot of convincing required to let this sink in but once you know...
I have been following several zero waster bloggers for years to see how they manage to live in a normal society and not generate any waste. There are many examples of people successfully living a...
I have never loved hosting my children's birthday parties because of waste that comes with parties - disposable plates, balloons, loot bags and worst of all gifts and packaging! I want to share with...
Going on a road trip can be tricky for people that try to live a zero waste life. We recently went on a 3+ week road trip to Idaho, Utah, Colorado and Nevada. Our goal was to make it a road trip...